Financial Planing


According to the CFP Board, “The creation of the CFP Board took place relatively early in the development of the movement that became known as the financial planning profession. This movement developed as a profession after World War II to help meet the financial needs of Americans. The financial planning movement experienced a watershed moment on December 12, 1969, when 13 men gathered in Chicago and outlined the first steps to further the idea that people could benefit from a profession that integrated knowledge and practices across the various areas of the financial services industry. Resolutions were made to create the International Association for Financial Planners (IAFP) and the College for Financial Planning.” (CFP Board).

It has been over 78+ years of Certified Financial Planners Educated, and millions of lives changed across the globe. As a Firm, GWFA hasn’t been around as long as the CFP Board like Jp Morgan, Morgan Stanley, and the Firms, some planners they work for. Still, you can bet that this firm will join the Hall of Fame of some of the best institutions worldwide, with an average planner having a decade of Financial experience.

Choosing GWFA’s Financial planning solutions to us means getting to know you, establishing a relationship of trust and compassion, then building financially planned solutions that provide a sense of promise for achieving the goals you want in life. We look forward to making your dreams of buying a house, Sending Kids off to college, Building a vacation fund, retiring, Buying a new car, boat, or Product, and Empowering your estate to new heights a reality.